Understanding SAFe’s View on Customer Centricity

by Leon Chaddock  - January 18, 2024

Are you interested in learning how the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) describes customer centricity and its practices? In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, organizations need to focus on creating positive experiences for their customers to drive success. SAFe recognizes the importance of putting the customer at the center of everything and aligning the entire organization with their needs.

SAFe defines customer centricity as a mindset that revolves around providing exceptional products and services that meet customer needs. By adopting this approach, businesses can unlock greater profitability, increase employee engagement, and drive customer satisfaction. Customer-centric organizations take the time to understand customer problems and solution requirements through market and user research, enabling them to deliver whole-product solutions that truly resonate with their target audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • SAFe recognizes the importance of customer centricity in driving business success
  • Customer-centric organizations focus on creating positive experiences through their products and services
  • Market and user research play a key role in understanding customer problems and solution requirements
  • SAFe emphasizes the importance of adopting a customer-centric mindset and aligning the organization with customer needs
  • Whole product thinking and leveraging market rhythms are crucial aspects of SAFe’s customer centricity approach

The Mindset of Customer Centricity

SAFe’s customer centricity approach revolves around a specific mindset that drives behaviors aligned with customer needs. By prioritizing the customer and aligning the organization with targeted user segments, SAFe emphasizes the importance of maintaining a safe and customer-centric framework. This approach entails understanding the fundamental and ongoing needs of the customer, adopting their perspective, and designing whole product solutions that evolve in line with their ideal experience.

SAFe also recognizes the value of knowing customer lifetime value and building longer-term relationships. By developing a deep understanding of customer needs and continuously adapting solutions, organizations can foster a safe customer-centricity approach that nurtures customer loyalty and drives business success.

Embracing customer centricity in a safe framework allows organizations to create sustainable solutions that truly resonate with their customers. It’s about aligning your mindset and behaviors with the customer’s perspective to ensure their satisfaction and long-term loyalty.

Key Elements of SAFe’s Customer Centricity Approach:

  • Focus on the customer: Understanding and prioritizing customer needs as the driving force behind decision-making processes and solution development.
  • Segment alignment: Tailoring strategies and solutions to specific user segments for more targeted and effective outcomes.
  • Customer empathy: Thinking and feeling like the customer to better anticipate their needs, challenges, and preferences.
  • Whole product solutions: Designing holistic solutions that provide a complete and satisfying customer experience.
  • Customer lifetime value: Recognizing the long-term value of building strong relationships and delivering ongoing value to customers.
Benefits of SAFe’s Customer Centricity Approach Principles Practices
Enhanced customer satisfaction 1. Focus on customer needs and preferences 1. Conduct user research and customer interviews
Increased profitability 2. Understand customer lifetime value 2. Continuously monitor and measure customer success metrics
Improved alignment with customer expectations 3. Design with empathy 3. Utilize customer journey mapping techniques

Research-Driven Approach

SAFe recognizes the importance of market and user research in driving customer-centricity. Market research helps drive strategy, while user research drives product design. Continuous exploration, automated data collection, and feedback loops between the solution and its context support ongoing research activities. By gaining actionable insights into customer problems, solution requirements, and the solution context, organizations can make informed decisions and create solutions that meet customer needs.

“Market research helps drive strategy, while user research drives product design.”

The benefits of a research-driven approach are numerous. Firstly, it leads to improved customer satisfaction as the solutions developed are aligned with what the customers actually need. Secondly, it increases profitability as organizations can focus their resources on developing products and services that have a higher market demand. Lastly, it ensures better alignment with customer expectations, minimizing the risk of developing solutions that miss the mark.

Market Research

Market research provides organizations with valuable insights into the needs, preferences, and behaviors of their target customers. It involves gathering and analyzing data on market trends, customer segmentation, competition, and industry benchmarks. By understanding the market landscape, organizations can identify opportunities, define target customer segments, and develop strategies that cater to their specific needs.

User Research

User research focuses on gaining a deep understanding of the end-users and their interaction with the product or service. It involves techniques such as user interviews, observation, and usability testing to gather insights into user behaviors, motivations, and pain points. User research helps organizations design products and services that address real user needs, resulting in higher user satisfaction and adoption.

safe and customer centricity alignment

Continuous Exploration and Feedback Loops

SAFe encourages organizations to adopt a continuous exploration mindset, where research activities are ongoing throughout the development process. This involves gathering feedback from customers, analyzing market data, and evaluating the performance of the solution in its context. By continuously gaining insights into customer problems, solution requirements, and the evolving market landscape, organizations can adjust their strategies and make informed decisions to deliver customer-centric solutions.

Key Principles of a Research-Driven Approach

  • Alignment with customer needs: Research helps organizations align their products and services with the needs and expectations of their target customers.
  • Evidence-based decision making: Research provides valuable evidence and insights that inform strategic and tactical decisions.
  • Customer empathy: Research allows organizations to develop a deep understanding of their customers’ pain points, motivations, and preferences.
  • Iterative improvement: Research-driven organizations continuously gather feedback and insights to improve their products and services over time.

A research-driven approach in SAFe not only leads to customer-centric solutions but also provides organizations with a competitive advantage by ensuring that their offerings remain relevant and valuable in a rapidly changing market.

Designing with Empathy

Designing with empathy is a fundamental principle of SAFe’s customer-centric approach. It involves putting aside preconceived ideas and adopting the customer’s perspective to develop solutions that truly meet their needs. By embracing empathy, teams can gain a deeper understanding of the customer’s viewpoint, appreciate their struggles, and address their aesthetic, emotional, and ergonomic requirements.

Designing with empathy also entails considering the impact of the solution on the broader solution context and related groups. By taking into account the diverse factors that influence the customer’s experience, organizations can create solutions that resonate with their target audience.

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs

In line with its commitment to customer-centricity, SAFe encourages the use of various user research methods, such as Gemba walks, to gain profound insights into the customer’s needs and improve the overall user experience. This data-driven approach, combined with empathetic design thinking, ensures that solutions are purpose-built with the customer in mind.

By considering the customer’s perspective, understanding their pain points, and addressing their unique requirements, organizations can deliver solutions that exceed customer expectations and build long-lasting relationships.

Understanding Customer Engagement

When it comes to customer engagement, SAFe recognizes that the approach may differ depending on the type of solution being offered. Understanding these nuances is key to implementing safe customer centricity principles and practices effectively.

General solutions, which are intended for a broad market, typically involve indirect customer engagement through product and solution management. In this scenario, the focus is on understanding market trends, analyzing customer feedback, and aligning the solution with the needs of the target audience.

However, when it comes to custom-built solutions, direct customer collaboration is essential. SAFe encourages joint design efforts, where customers actively participate in the creation process. This hands-on approach ensures that the solution meets their specific requirements and addresses their unique pain points.

For deep and narrow solutions, which target a specific set of customers, a deep understanding of their needs is crucial. SAFe promotes thorough user research to gain insights into their preferences, challenges, and expectations. By uncovering these insights, organizations can tailor their solutions to provide an optimal user experience.

Moreover, multi-segment solutions serve different markets, each with its own set of requirements. In such cases, organizations must conduct market research to identify the distinct needs of each segment. By catering to these diverse requirements, organizations can effectively serve multiple markets and enhance customer satisfaction.

It is worth noting that SAFe’s focus on cadence-based development further supports customer engagement. By establishing regular collaboration and communication channels, organizations can ensure ongoing alignment with customer needs and expectations. This iterative approach allows for continuous feedback and improvement, enabling the creation of customer-centric solutions that drive business success.

Customer Engagement in SAFe: An Overview

SAFe understands that effective customer engagement is integral to implementing safe customer centricity practices. By adopting a targeted approach based on the type of solution and leveraging customer input, organizations can create solutions that truly resonate with their customers.

Let’s explore the various aspects of customer engagement in SAFe:

  1. Indirect engagement for general solutions through product and solution management
  2. Direct collaboration with customers for custom-built solutions
  3. Thorough understanding of customer needs for deep and narrow solutions
  4. Catering to diverse market requirements for multi-segment solutions

By tailoring engagement strategies to align with these different solution types, organizations can prioritize customer satisfaction and deliver solutions that meet their specific needs.

Solution Type Engagement Approach
General Solutions Indirect engagement through product and solution management
Custom-Built Solutions Direct customer collaboration in joint design efforts
Deep and Narrow Solutions Thorough understanding of customer needs through extensive research
Multi-Segment Solutions Catering to diverse market requirements of different segments

Whole Product Thinking

Whole product thinking is an essential concept in SAFe’s customer-centric approach. It goes beyond viewing a product as a sum of its features and considers the entire customer experience, from purchase to use and support. SAFe emphasizes the importance of delivering the core product as well as addressing critical aspects of the ownership experience. By understanding the real benefits customers can expect and considering all touchpoints with the product, organizations can create solutions that exceed customer expectations. SAFe’s whole product model helps guide the development of solutions that meet customer needs at different levels.

By taking a whole product approach, you can ensure that your customers have a positive and seamless experience from start to finish. Rather than focusing solely on the basic features of your product, consider how it fits into the larger context of your customers’ lives. What additional support or services can you provide to enhance their overall satisfaction?

For example, if you are selling a software product, think about the installation and onboarding process. Can you offer resources or tutorials to guide your customers through these initial steps? Once the software is up and running, how can you provide ongoing support or updates to ensure that your customers have the best possible experience?

By thinking holistically about your product and the entire customer journey, you can identify opportunities to exceed customer expectations and build long-term loyalty. In the next section, we will explore how SAFe approaches customer engagement and the different types of solutions that require tailored approaches.

Leveraging Market Rhythms and Events

SAFe recognizes the importance of timing in delivering value to customers. Understanding market rhythms and events can help organizations maximize the perceived value of their releases. By aligning with specific market events and leveraging predictable cadences, organizations can create high-value releases that meet customer expectations. This focus on timing and market rhythms allows organizations to respond to opportunities and threats and deliver high-quality solutions that satisfy customer needs.

Safe Customer Centricity Practices Safe Customer Centricity Principles Safe Customer Centricity Approach
Understanding market rhythms and events Aligning with specific market events Maximizing perceived value of releases
Creating high-value releases Meeting customer expectations Responding to opportunities and threats
Delivering high-quality solutions Satisfying customer needs Optimizing timing for customer-centric outcomes

By taking advantage of market rhythms and events, organizations can strategically plan their releases to have the maximum impact. This allows them to capture the attention of their target audience, generate enthusiasm, and create a sense of urgency. By aligning with market events, such as holiday seasons, industry conferences, or product launches, organizations can leverage the existing hype and anticipation to amplify the success of their releases.

Furthermore, organizations can use predictable cadences to their advantage. By establishing a regular release schedule, customers can anticipate when new features or updates will be available, enhancing their overall experience. This builds trust and loyalty, as customers know they can rely on the organization to deliver value consistently.

Implementing a safe customer-centric approach involves considering the broader context and timing of releases. Organizations need to understand when their customers are most receptive to new offerings and craft their strategies accordingly. By aligning with market rhythms and events, organizations can enhance their customer-centric practices, deliver solutions that resonate with their target audience, and ultimately achieve greater success.

safe customer centricity practices


Implementing customer-centricity in a safe framework is crucial for organizations looking to drive business success. By adopting a customer-centric mindset and implementing safe customer centricity practices, businesses can align their strategies and solutions with customer needs. This customer-centric approach involves conducting thorough market and user research to gain insights into customer problems and solution requirements.

Designing with empathy plays a key role in creating customer-centric solutions. By putting aside preconceived ideas and understanding the customer’s perspective, organizations can address aesthetic, emotional, and ergonomic needs. SAFe emphasizes the importance of whole product thinking, considering the entire customer experience from purchase to support, to deliver solutions that exceed customer expectations.

Understanding customer engagement and leveraging market rhythms are additional components of a safe customer centricity approach. By tailoring customer engagement strategies and leveraging timing to align with market events, businesses can maximize the value of their releases and meet customer expectations. SAFe’s framework provides the guidelines and principles necessary for implementing customer-centric practices and achieving business success.


How does SAFe describe customer centricity?

SAFe defines customer centricity as a mindset that focuses on creating positive experiences for the customer through the products and services offered by the enterprise. It emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs, delivering whole-product solutions, and driving business success through customer satisfaction.

What is the customer-centric approach in SAFe?

The customer-centric approach in SAFe involves aligning the organization with specific, targeted user segments and designing whole product solutions that evolve with the customer’s ideal experience. It requires understanding the customer’s fundamental and ongoing needs, thinking and feeling like the customer, and building longer-term relationships to maximize customer lifetime value.

How does SAFe align with customer-centricity?

SAFe recognizes the importance of market and user research in driving customer-centricity. It emphasizes continuous exploration, automated data collection, and feedback loops to gain actionable insights into customer problems and solution requirements. By understanding and addressing customer needs, organizations can improve satisfaction, profitability, and alignment with customer expectations.

What is designing with empathy in SAFe’s customer-centric approach?

Designing with empathy in SAFe involves putting aside preconceived ideas and developing solutions from the customer’s perspective. It motivates teams to understand the customer’s viewpoint, appreciate their difficulties, and address their aesthetic, emotional, and ergonomic needs. SAFe encourages the use of user research methods to gain a deeper understanding of the customer’s needs and improve the overall user experience.

How does SAFe approach customer engagement?

SAFe recognizes that customer engagement varies depending on the type of solution being offered. It highlights indirect customer engagement through product and solution management for general solutions, direct customer collaboration in joint design efforts for custom-built solutions, and a deep understanding of needs for deep and narrow solutions. For multi-segment solutions, SAFe supports collaboration in creating the best outcomes for different markets with unique requirements.

What is whole product thinking in SAFe?

Whole product thinking in SAFe goes beyond viewing a product as a sum of its features. It considers the entire customer experience, from purchase to use and support. SAFe emphasizes the importance of delivering the core product as well as addressing critical aspects of the ownership experience. By understanding customer benefits and considering all touchpoints with the product, organizations can create solutions that exceed customer expectations.

How does SAFe leverage market rhythms and events?

SAFe recognizes the importance of timing in delivering value to customers. By understanding market rhythms and events, organizations can maximize the perceived value of their releases. SAFe encourages aligning with specific market events and leveraging predictable cadences to create high-value releases that meet customer expectations. This allows organizations to respond to opportunities and threats and deliver high-quality solutions that satisfy customer needs.

How can SAFe help implement customer-centric practices?

SAFe provides a framework for implementing customer-centric practices and aligning them with agile and lean principles. By adopting a customer-centric mindset, conducting market and user research, designing with empathy, understanding customer engagement, embracing whole product thinking, and leveraging market rhythms, organizations can create a culture of customer-centricity that leads to business success.


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